January 10, 2011

  • Flashback to December

    Since I missed the month of December I'm going to flashback with some pictures. It was a great month with friends and family. This year it will be filled with joy and no last minute handmade gifts.
    (remind of this post if it looks like I have forgotten come Dec.)

    First there was Christmas Tree Day

    Christmas #1 happened the week before Christmas when our friend Rhonda came to visit.

    Zoe with her Miss Rhonda


    Then there was gingerbread  house construction in all forms


    We welcomed winter and thanked God for bringing us through one season and into another and for extra minutes of light in the day.

    Christmas #2 was ours plus gifts from my family down south.

    And Christmas #3 was up north in the even more frozen tundra with my husbands family

    What's this? An empty pickle jar? It's what I always...wait a minute this isn't really my gift..is it?


    Even our dog Mazie came with us.

    Greatgrandma with Z

    Father and son

    All the girls